Robert Raben

Board Member

With 30 years of professional experience as an attorney, senior Hill staffer, and Assistant Attorney General, Robert has a nuanced understanding of the legal subtleties and the political realities of the issues he handles. Robert brings an ardent bipartisan approach to his work, cultivated during a highly respected legislative career that began on Representative Barney Frank’s staff and concluded with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde’s endorsement of his Justice Department appointment. Robert served as counsel to Congressman Barney Frank and Democratic counsel for two Subcommittees of the House Judiciary Committee.

In 1999, Robert’s reputation and effectiveness caught the attention of the White House, earning him an appointment as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and, subsequently, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs. After a unanimous confirmation vote by a Republican-controlled Senate, Robert was charged with overseeing Attorney General Janet Reno’s legislative initiatives and handling extensive Congressional oversight of the department. Since 2002, he has run The Raben Group and currently serves on the Boards of The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, the Unidos Action Fund, and former President Obama’s My Brothers’ Keeper Alliance. Past Board service includes the American Constitution Society and the Alliance for Justice.

Board of Directors