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Inside Literary Prize

Innovation, with support from Lori Feathers, launched the Inside Literary Prize, which seeks to honor the insights incarcerated readers
at Arizona State Prison Complex - Yuma during the Inside Literary Prize tour.


Behind the Scenes of the Inside Literary Prize: A Journey of Books, Freedom, and Connection

together to decide the shortlisted titles for the Inside Literary Prize 2025. But here’s the thing—this wasn’t just
expected.As we move forward in the process for the 2025 Inside Literary Prize, we just want to take a moment to recognize the hard
Michael Byrd with the packed shortlisted books for Inside Literary Prize 2025.

Founder's Take: What Matters Most

told: From two anonymous incarcerated judges from the 2024 Inside Literary Prize: One speaking of the winning book, Imani Perry’s

Finding Moments of Joy

as the day’s discussions unfolded. The inaugural Inside Literary Prize was at the forefront, with thoughtful conversations

Books Bring Light to the Darkness of Prison

dreams come true. I got to be a judge for the inaugural Inside Literary Prize. And because of that, I got to meet one of my heroes,
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Founder's Take: What Started as a Dream

arrived. This brother had been a judge for the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first and only major literary prize in the United
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Inside Literary Prize Tour Leg Two: North Dakota State Penitentiary, MCF-Faribault, and MCF-Shakopee

acclaimed poet Roger Bonair-Agard and a handful of Inside Literary Prize ballots to vote on books. I gave him a knowing handshake.
allowed to vote for any elected official before the Inside Literary Prize, having only been 17 at the time of her arrest and
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Inside Literary Prize: Updates from Leg One of the Tour

North Dakota and Minnesota, for the second leg of the Inside Literary Prize tour. We’ll meet dozens of Inside Literary Prize
Colorado just a few weeks ago, when we kicked off the Inside Literary Prize tour by visiting four prisons in six days. At each
about the four shortlisted books for the inaugural Inside Literary Prize at Arizona State Prison Complex - Eyman.
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Inside Literary Prize: Judging Orientations & Kicking Off the ILP Tour

Perez Jr and Gabby Colangelo provide an update on the Inside Literary Prize, the first-ever US-based literary prize awarded exclusively
we had the opportunity to meet with most of the 300 Inside Literary Prize judges from 12 different prisons across the nation
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Inside Literary Prize Books Sent to Judges

and shipped out the four shortlisted books for the Inside Literary Prize to each of our 300 judges on the inside in 12 prisons.
The Inside Literary Prize, launched by Freedom Reads, the National Book Foundation,
1,680 copies of the shortlisted Inside Literary Prize books were shipped to 12 prisons this January.
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Freedom Reads, National Book Foundation, Center for Justice Innovation Launch First Major U.S. Book Prize to Be Judged Exclusively by Incarcerated People

for correctional staff. Throughout the Spring 2024, Inside Literary Prize organizers will travel to each prison to lead live
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Celebrating Freedom: My Journey with Freedom Reads

at Arizona State Prison Complex - Yuma during the Inside Literary Prize tour.


January 2025 Newsletter

Freedom Reads: Inside Literary Prize 2025
Reads Founder & CEO Donate Inside Literary Prize 2025 Shortlist Announced This
Freedom Reads team packs the four shortlisted titles for Inside Literary Prize (ILP) 2025 to send to ILP judges in prisons across

December 2024 Newsletter

told: From two anonymous incarcerated judges from the 2024 Inside Literary Prize: One speaking of the winning book, Imani Perry’s

September 2024 Newsletter

Matters Artwork by Chelsea, Inside Literary Prize judge at Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee. Each
Artwork by Chelsea, Inside Literary Prize judge at Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee.

August 2024 Newsletter

BettsFreedom Reads Founder & CEO Inaugural Inside Literary Prize Awarded to Imani Perry Imani
Imani Perry is the winner of the inaugural Inside Literary Prize.

July 2024 Newsletter

team! Meet our Interns Inaugural Inside Literary Prize to be Awarded August 1 We

June 2024 Newsletter

arrived. This brother had been a judge for the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first and only major literary prize in the United
Left: Inside Literary Prize judges and members of the Freedom Reads team at Nash

May 2024 Newsletter

Get the Book Reflections from the Inside Literary Prize Tour: Leg Two Inside Literary
Inside Literary Prize judges at MCF-Shakopee discuss the four books short-listed

April 2024 Newsletter

Reads Founder & CEO Kicking Off the Inside Literary Prize Tour Left: Freedom Reads leads
at Arizona State Prison Complex - Yuma during the Inside Literary Prize tour. Right: David and Freedom Reads team members

March 2024 Newsletter

events on ABC 8 News and CBS 19 News. Inside Literary Prize: Judging Orientations & Kicking Off the ILP Tour Freedom

February 2024 Newsletter

prisons, the 500-book Freedom Library collection, and the Inside Literary Prize.  Call for Entries: First Annual Prison

January 2024 Newsletter

Dwayne Betts, Freedom Reads Founder & CEO Inside Literary Prize Books Sent to Judges Freedom
Steven pose with the four books shortlisted for the Inside Literary Prize. 1,680 books were shipped to 12 prisons this January.

December 2023 Newsletter

People Inaugural “Inside Literary Prize” is sending a selection of National Book Award honorees

press releases

Freedom Reads, National Book Foundation, Center for Justice Innovation Announce Shortlist for 2025 Inside Literary Prize, US Book Prize Judged Exclusively by Incarcerated People

success and inspiration of last year’s inaugural Inside Literary Prize, groups to bring exceptional books to hundreds of
Justice Innovation announced the shortlist for the 2025 Inside Literary Prize, the first-ever US-based literary prize awarded exclusively
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Inside Literary Prize, the First Major US Book Prize Judged Exclusively by Incarcerated People, Awarded to Imani Perry

a Nation by Imani Perry was awarded the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first US-based literary prize judged exclusively
Understand the Soul of a Nation*, was awarded the inaugural Inside Literary Prize.
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Prison Tour for Inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the First Major US Book Prize Judged Exclusively by Incarcerated People, Begins Today

Today in Arizona, organizers of the Inside Literary Prize–the first US-based literary prize awarded exclusively
| Tagged with  inside literary prize

Freedom Reads, National Book Foundation, Center for Justice Innovation Launch First Major US Book Prize to Be Judged Exclusively by Incarcerated People

Inaugural “Inside Literary Prize” will send a selection of National Book Award honorees
for Justice Innovation announced the launch of the Inside Literary Prize, the first-ever US-based literary prize awarded exclusively
| Tagged with  inside literary prize



Team The Freedom Reads team at the inaugural Inside Literary Prize Award Ceremony.(Photo: Beowulf Sheehan) Reports Freedom
The Freedom Reads team at the inaugural Inside Literary Prize Award Ceremony.



In the Media

Here are the finalists for the second annual Inside Prize.
The four shortlisted titles for Inside Literary Prize 2025 are announced.
Literary Hub by Brittany Allen | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Finalists for the Inside Literary Prize Revealed
announced the four shortlisted books for the 2025 Inside Literary Prize.
Kirkus Reviews by Michael Schaub
2025 Inside Literary Prize Shortlist
the four shortlisted titles for the second annual Inside Literary Prize.
Locus Mag | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Books Saved Reginald Dwayne Betts In Prison – Now, He’s Behind The Literature Prize Voted On By Incarcerated Readers
founding Freedom Reads, and launching the inaugural Inside Literary Prize.
Service95 by Seun Matiluko | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inside Literary Prize: And the Winner Is....
Founder & CEO Reginald Dwayne Betts and inaugural Inside Literary Prize winner Imani Perry speak at the Inside Literary Prize
New Thinking, from the Center for Justice Innovation by Matt Watkins | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Le Inside Literary Prize 2024 est décerné à Imani Perry
Imani Perry is the winner of the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first major US-book award judged exclusively
Livres Hebdo by Léon Cattan
A book prize picked by prisoners
bookstore owner and collaborator in launching the Inside Literary Prize, about the inaugural award.
The Dallas Morning News by Tyra Damm | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inaugural Inside Literary Prize Empowers Incarcerated Readers
The inaugural Inside Literary Prize, judged by over 200 incarcerated readers in prisons
Publishers Weekly by Sophia Stewart | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Imani Perry Wins Literary Prize Judged by Incarcerated Individuals
Imani Perry won this year's inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first major US-book award judged entirely by
The New York Carib News by Mell P
Reginald Dwayne Betts, Dungeons and Dragons, and Olympics art
Bowen on The Culture Show to talk about the inaugural Inside Literary Prize.
GBH by Jared Bowen | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Incarcerated Judges Select First Winner Of Inside Literary Prize
Imani Perry was awarded the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first major US-book award judged entirely by
Black Enterprise by Nahlah Abdur-Rahman | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inside Literary Prize awarded to Imani Perry
Imani Perry won the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first major US-based book awarded judged exclusively
The Brooklyn Eagle by Robert Abruzzese | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Imani Perry Wins Inaugural Inside Literary Prize
Imani Perry won the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, the first ever US-based book award judged exclusively
Kirkus Reviews by Michael Schaub | Tagged with  inside literary prize
The first US Book Prize judged entirely by incarcerated people has announced a winner.
Author Imani Perry won the inaugural Inside Literary Prize, an effort launched by Freedom Reads, the National
Lit Hub by Brittany Allen | Tagged with  inside literary prize
First annual 'Inside Literary Prize' judged by incarcerated people
Pergament, host of NY1's The Rush Hour, about the Inside Literary Prize, the first major US-based book award judged exclusively
Spectrum News NY1 by Annika Pergament | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inside Literary Prize: Shakopee Women's Prison
for Justice Innovation's Matt Watkins sat in on the Inside Literary Prize book discussion with the Inside Literary Prize judges
New Thinking, from the Center for Justice Innovation by Matt Watkins | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inside Literary Prize: First major book award judged by incarcerated people
Feathers, will announce the winner of the inaugural Inside Literary Prize.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle by Robert Abruzzese
Incarcerated Colorado women first to judge national book writing contest
Hear from Inside Literary Prize judge Shantel at La Vista Correctional Facility in
9 News Denver by Evan Kruegel | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Prison literacy program ‘Freedom Reads’ offers inmate expression outlet
Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee during the Inside Literary Prize tour.
Fox 9 by Rob Olson | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Denver will get dystopian in Kali Fajardo-Anstine’s next book
Vista Correctional Facility in Colorado as part of the Inside Literary Prize tour.
Colorado Public Radio by Ryan Warner | Tagged with  inside literary prize
Inside Literary Prize Tour kicks off: A unique literary recognition judged
The inaugural Inside Literary Prize tour, featuring literary performances and book judging
Brooklyn Daily Eagle by Robert Abruzzese | Tagged with  inside literary prize
A look at efforts to beef up libraries in Mass. prisons and jails
prisons, the 500-book Freedom Library collection, and the Inside Literary Prize.
WBUR by Simón Rios and Amanda Beland
'Freedom begins with a book': incarcerated people to judge new US literary award
Foundation, and the Center for Justice Innovation launch the Inside Literary Prize; one judge and two authors shortlisted for the prize
The Guardian by Olivia Empson | Tagged with  inside literary prize
300 Incarcerated People to Judge New US Literary Award
Foundation, and the Center for Justice Innovation launch the Inside Literary Prize, the nation's first literary award judged by currently
The Crime Report by TCR Staff | Tagged with  inside literary prize
A Dallas bookstore owner wanted to engage inmates in reading. A national book prize was the result
Interabang Books, discusses the inspiration for the Inside Literary Prize launched by Freedom Reads, the National Book Foundation,
KERA News by Jerome Weeks | Tagged with  inside literary prize
A New Literary Prize Taps a Jury Living Behind Bars
Foundation, and the Center for Justice Innovation launch the Inside Literary Prize, the nation's first literary award judged by currently
The New York Times by Wilson Wong | Tagged with  inside literary prize
New Book Award To Be Judged By Prison Inmates
Innovation, with support from Lori Feathers, launched the Inside Literary Prize, the first US-based book award to be judged exclusively
Kirkus Reviews by Michael Schaub | Tagged with  inside literary prize